I am going to blog again...this is a miracle! Not that there hasn't been a crap load of stuff going on, I am just to lazy to Blog about it.
First of all, Bryan and I both had surgery, and we are doing....well OK. It was a much worse surgery than we planned on, but it is behind us now. We had the SAME surgery..seriously, we had disc fusions in our necks, the same disc's were degenerating..you would think we were genetically related!! Anyway, I had mine on the 28Th of April, and Bryan had his on the 14Th of May(Happy Anniversary Honey). We just thought that matching neck collars were the way to go this year...LOL. Hey they will end up costing us about 3K by the time we are done..so it is the gift that keeps on giving!
Next, can I just say....YEE HAW!!! Not only is my trek to and from Phoenix coming to and end (FINALLY), but they announced an early retirement...can you just say COLOR ME HAPPY...I AM SO GONE!!! You know with this economy, call me crazy, but there has to be life after SWA...and there are more important things than money..I have missed way too much family life, and it has taken a toll on my mental and physical state...IT IS TIME TO COME HOME!!! So pray for me, and wish me luck, will ya? Hopefully, my next blog I will be telling you, I am done with this chapter, and hired on at somewhere remarkable...they don't know it yet, but they will be LUCKY to HAVE ME!!=)
Just before I had surgery, I went to Nashville, to see Clay receive the National MS Society Hope award. It was an honor to be invited, and an honor to see him receive it. I truly believe so many of these debilitating diseases are related, that as they find cures for one, it will help find cures for others, so anything that is being done in the way of research, I am all for. Clay has raised over 2 Mil to help find a cure for MS, which he was diagnosed with in 1996. His non profit organization is called BAND AGAINST MS, and many of us in his fan club, have done auctions, etc to help raise funds for it.
So since I probably won't blog again for a couple of months...I will just finish this with my favorite saying...KEEP LIVIN LAUGIN AND LOVIN your way through life..you know when you smile, it really makes people wonder, what you have been up to!